Whether you know it or not, there are plenty of different types of rings out there with individual values and meanings to it. While the most commonly known ones are the engagement ring, wedding rings or even the promise ring, we assure you there’ more. Rings have always helped a personal story to it, dating back from the longest of times.

They hold monetary value, a sense of sentiment as well as traditional value to it. Whether it’s a designer ring, customized one or even one that passed down through generations, each has its own story and love to it. Having an idea about the different types of rings and its significance can also help you understand certain situations and emotions better. So here is a list of rings alongside the meanings behind it.

Promise Ring

A promise ring is the beginning of symbolizing a sense of commitment and love in a relationship, just as the name alone suggests. Although it’s not something sought out by every couple, many still tend to present it to their significant other, especially if they’re looking to be engaged in the near future. However, it is also a ring that is used amongst friendships in order to symbolize an everlasting bond.

Engagement Ring

The most commonly used type of ring amongst all couples who look forward to spending the rest of their life together is the engagement ring. While most engagement rings are made of diamond, some do tend to use other precious stones. It signifies commitment beyond just a dating relationship as it’s the entrance towards the journey of marriage. If you’re on the lookout for some of the best engagement rings Australia has great options.

Wedding Bands

The start of every marriage life and that holds the sentiment of marriage vows is the wedding bands. Couples exchange this ring on the wedding day upon completing their vows. This specific ring is considered to be a band as it is a circle. While some today choose to have stones secure within the band, others opt for a plain one with a metal of their choice. The wedding bands no doubt represent the endless circle of love and life together in the years to come.

Anniversary Ring

Although an anniversary may come every year, an anniversary ring is only gifted on ones that mark a milestone such as the first one, tenth one or even the silver and golden jubilees. Most often anniversary rings are also gifted in the form of a bands that is similar to a wedding band yet unique in its own way. An anniversary ring shares within it the meaning of their continued and timeless love. Some also opt for necklaces and bracelets for a change of gifting.

A few other commonly used ring types are eternity rings and birthstone rings. While an eternity ring signifies a never-ending bond between any two people, a birthstone ring is something that is often gifted on birthdays with their birthstone on it.
